Poverty and What Causes It

Poverty is a topic that is addressed from a lot of different angles.  I am going to give a Biblical worldview on the topic.  Some people have the mistaken idea that being poor gives you an elevated position of being closer to God, more spiritually minded.  They will quote Jesus’s words, “You will always have the poor among you” (Matthew 26:11) as if to say this is His endorsement of poverty.  Reading the verse in its context you find that is not the case at all but rather a statement of fact.  There are some people who are poor for some period of time in their lives and others who are in that position for all their life. 

In a recent conversation with Dr. Marlene McMillian of whylibertymatters.com, she walked us through her book 31 + Blatantly Ignored Causes of Poverty, we had an opportunity to review some of those causes.   

  • I just don’t care about money

  • Wrong ideas about work

  • Incorrect belief about sources of income

  • Where are you getting financial advice from?

  • Bad character, bad attitudes

I just don’t care about money

Do you care about your friends, your life and your work?  Many do and work at being aware and informed of the important people and things in their life.  This should include money!  The Bible has a lot to say about money and Solomon in Proverbs 27:23-27 in his usual direct and practical way tells us we better know the state of our business and know it well!  Why?  He continues by saying There is no guarantee that wealth will automatically carry on from generation to the next.  You cannot assume things and rest on your laurels. 

Wrong ideas about work…

Work is a blessing!  Discovering your life’s purpose gives deeper meaning to who you are and glorifies God, blesses others and helps you provide for yourself and family.  What are your God given gifts?  What desires has God put in your heart?  Without working to develop your gifts, you rob yourself and others as to what you would have contributed to your corner of the world and possibly beyond.  The confidence that comes from working at developing your skills and talents is far superior to dependency.  Being resourceful and productive are virtues that need to be lifted up again in our culture. 

Incorrect beliefs regarding source of income…

How have we gotten to the point that too many people believe that government is the source of their income?  And coupled with that, is an entitlement attitude.  This was never the American mindset for many years.  The idea that you pursue life, liberty and happiness was firmly implanted in the hearts and minds of the masses.  I ask you, friends, to look at world history and see what happens to people who cede their wellbeing to a centralized government.  Where does government get their income from?  They don’t produce anything.  In America, does the Constitution authorize government to re-distribute wealth?  Has the ability to produce income improved over time in this country?   These are extremely important questions we need to be talking about the answers to.  The future of liberty depends on people answering these with knowledge.


Where are you getting financial advice from?

Bad advice or no advice can be the kiss of death for a person.  Proverbs 11:4 states that people fall away without good council.  Hosea 4:6 states plainly that, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.”  Proverbs 29:18 shows us that throwing God’s Word out brings death.  “Where there is no vision, the people perish.”  It is wise to pursue financial independence.  Getting good counsel is indispensable in this pursuit.  No one person is an island and no one person knows it all in any subject.  Picking your counselors is critically important.  Some questions to ask yourself.

  •  What is this person’s reputation?

  • Have they achieved what they advise?

  • What do other’s you trust say about them?

  • Does their advice contradict Scripture in any way?

“Without counsel purposes are disappointed: but in the multitude of counselors they are established”  Proverbs 15:22 tells us.  Counsel, wise counsel is essential.  The final counselor we all need to turn to is God Himself.  If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.  James 1:5

Bad character, bad attitude…

It is rampant in our culture to inspire people to resent the wealthy.  The fruit of this is many people who live in envy and jealousy of what others have. 

When you resent, it attracts poverty pain and other negative qualities.  Poor character results in deferred gratification.  You are always eating your seed instead of allowing it to grow and reach fruition.  Reset your worldview or have a collusion with reality.  Reality always wins!  Instead of envy, ask God to show you each day how to bless others, including financially. 

For further discussion:

  • Some folks have discovered that in creating their own financial opportunity to produce income, it frees up their time for ministry.  What could you do to put yourself in that position?

  • The more you govern yourself, the greater is your personal liberty, including financial liberty?  Expound on that point.

  • Equity vs. equality.  Equity is not earned while equality does not mean equal outcomes but rather equal opportunity.  We are told this is “not fair.”  Why or why not?

  • Which is greedier?  Working for what you want and deferring gratification or coveting what others have and looking for ways to get what they have other than working?


Purpose in Design


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