Purpose in Design

It turns out that boys are different than girls.  As a Christian who believes the Bible is inspired in its entirety-meaning that it is “God breathed” (see 2 Timothy 3:16)- from Genesis to Revelation I believe there is purpose in design.  In Genesis 5:2, we are told that “Male and female created he them…”  Why did God choose only two genders?  What are His reasons for doing so?

  Face the Culture recently welcomed Dr. Vermelle Greene of   https://boysinitiative.org to the program to discuss the truth that boys and girls are given their gender at conception by God, specifically for His purposes and design.  He makes no mistakes and so the lies young people believe about their gender are just that, lies.  Dr. Greene told us the impetus for starting this organization came as a result of her educational experiences, including being a principal, and over time she began to notice some disturbing trends.

“I began to do some reading and happened upon a book called Boys and Girls Learn Differently by Michael Gurian.”  I thought, “Wait!  Boys and girls learn differently? No one ever told us that!”  Dr. Green (pictured right) began to study the evidence that showed girls often learned better by language and boys were more hands on, task oriented.  “There are exceptions of course but generally speaking this is how boys and girls learn.”                                                       

  As education became more focused on language as opposed to mixing in hands on education, boys began to fall behind.  She noticed that boys were disproportionately put in “special learning classes.”  In addition to that, they were more likely to be prescribed Ritalin to control what “education experts” saw as hyperactive but often were cases of boys being boys.  Some educators mistakenly believe, boys and girls are the same and therefore should be taught the same.  The results have shown that is not true!  In an overzealous effort in what some educators believe was a lack of attention to girl’s education/sports, much effort was put into promoting studies on how girls learn, leaving boys in the lurch.  The results of this have been disastrous for boys.  Boys are more likely to be expelled from school, and there tends to be more boys who commit suicide at rates higher than girls.  These are the more sobering statistics. 

 “By 2017, young men between 15 and 19 killed themselves at a rate of 17.9 per 100,000, up from 13 per 100,000 in 2000” Los Angeles Times 6/18/19 

The results have been devastating to American culture.  As the feminization of the culture continues to permeate all facets of American life, we overlook, by we I mean the Christian church, God’s purpose in creating human’s male and female.  In fact, we’ve come so far that to talk about traditional male/female roles is looked on as evil and harmful.  The evidence shows us otherwise.  Men are, by God’s design, protectors, providers and defenders of their faith, their family, and their country.  When these traits are purposely chipped away, and the message to them is this is bad and wrong, and you need to change this, the reality is that it cannot be changed.  It is hardwired into boys/men by God’s design.  We refer to it as DNA and as a medical science states, when an autopsy is performed on a male or female, regardless of how many operations or medications they take to change their sex, we know what your biological sex is, that can never be changed.  We are faced with the horrific photos of young men and women self-mutilating their bodies to fit in with what they are being told by “educators” who do not understand at all the purpose of design.  In some cases, parent(s) aid and abet this disastrous policy.

  We can take comfort in God’s Word, “Then God looked over all he had made, and he saw that it was very good!”  Genesis 1:31. The old, original liar, Satan, has done a masterful job convincing people that God’s purpose in design is somehow flawed.  God favored men over women and that must be corrected. Different does not mean men are superior, women are inferior.  Difference in design does not imply one gender is more favored than the other, it simply means the two genders were created for different purposes.  And those purposes are good and best for humanity under God’s wisdom in choosing who is born male and who is born female.  

 Lastly, Dr. Greene brings up an excellent example from Scripture that demonstrates the difference in boys and girls.  “Then the king of Egypt told the Hebrew midwives, whose names were Shiphrah and Puah, 16 “When you help the Hebrew women in childbirth, look at the child when you deliver it. If it’s a boy, kill it, but if it’s a girl, let it live” Exodus 1:15.  Why did Pharoah single out boys for death and not the girls?  History shows us that God’s design for men, when men behave in the purposes for which they are created, comes to the forefront when a country is threatened by an enemy.  They will take the leadership position to plan and defend their families and their nation.  In reverse, when an enemy nation sees men who are lifted in a culture where men are highly effeminate, engage in sex change operations and are clearly weak in every sense of the word, they realize this nation is vulnerable and can be easily overcome.  Pharoah felt threatened by a people that were becoming stronger due largely in part to strong male leadership in their families and other places.  He knew he had to destroy boys to counteract a threat from a nation growing stronger within his.  Get rid of the boys.  Are we self-destructing by doing the same to our male population?


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